About Relay For Life and the American Cancer Society It brings men, women and children together for an overnight gathering of celebration and remembrance. It raises funds for the fight against cancer, a disease that will affect one in three Americans in their lifetime, and that will account for more than 1.3 million cases this year. What is it? It's Relay For Life, the American Cancer Society's signature activity, and it's happening soon in your community.
The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is one important way to make a difference in the fight against cancer. This year, three million Relay For Life participants in 4,200 local communities across the country will raise millions of dollars to fuel the American Cancer Society's mission. As the nationwide, community-based volunteer heath organization, the American Cancer Society is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy and patient services.So what happens when you support Relay For Life? Here are just a fewexamples:
Finding a cure - To date, the American Cancer Society has spent more than $2.5 billion on research. That research has led to advances such as the Pap test, the bone marrow transplant, and drugs such as Tamoxifen and Gleevec, which have positively impacted and even saved the lives of many people with cancer.
Spreading the word - Volunteers educate their neighbors about cancer prevention and early detection; two things that save lives.
Calling for change - American Cancer Society vounteer advocates work tirelessly with elected officials to make cancer issues a priority. Their work has helped expand Medicare benefits for cancer screenings and get clinical trial coverage legislation passed in 16 states.
Lending support - For those who have been diagnosed with cancer, knowing the facts and having the resources to get through treatment and recovery are essential. The American Cancer Society is available to help anytime, day or night. Last year 1.3 million people got help by phone, and 400,000 people used the American Cancer Society's Web site, www.cancer.org, each month.
All of this is made possible because of activities like Relay For Life. Are you ready to get involved? It's easy! You can put together a team or join an existing team. With our new Relay Online website, you can do this right now by clicking on the "Sign Up Here" link. You can make a donation to a participant online as well. Just click on the link to "Donate Here".
If you're a survivor, you can participate in the opening ceremony and walk alongside fellow survivors in a victory lap. To get more information about the survivor activities at Relay For Life, please contact the Relay volunteer or American Cancer Society staff person whose name and e-mail are listed on the homepage.
You can also get more information about volunteering at the event by e-mailing the Relay volunteer or staff person listed on the homepage as well. Relay For Life is about being a community that takes up the fight. Together we will achieve victory over cancer. Join Relay For Life today and help us show this community the power of purple!